Wednesday, April 17, 2013

How to Make Training Work

I found two videos with further insightful information on training offered by Dr. Will Thalheimer, learning expert and founder of Work-Learning Research (  However, for some reason, I can't upload the videos here, but I'll provide a quick overview on what they talk about.

The first video, "Linking Training to Performance," found at,  Dr. Thalheimer talks about the "missing link" between training and its translation onto the job.  The steps he offers through this process are:

  1. "Training Environment
  2. On-the-Job Support for Application of Learning
  3. On-the-Job Performance"
In the first stage where training occurs, Dr. Thalheimer explains that it is not enough for employees/trainees to just understand the ideas and materials learned through the training process, but that in the second stage, it is important for them to actually remember what they learned from the training exercises and therefore, be able to apply the new learned skills on the job, which thus leads into the third stage.

Dr. Thalheimer emphasizes that remembering is the "missing link" between training and performance as it is the most effective way to be able to apply what was learned during the training process onto the job.

The second video, "Training Maximizers: A Simple Conceptual Model," found at, Dr. Thalheimer offers seven steps for maximizing training.  The following seven steps he provides are:

  1. "Valid credible content
  2. Engaging learning events
  3. Support for basic understanding
  4. Support for decision-making competence
  5. Support for long-term remembering
  6. Support for on-the-job application of learning
  7. Support for perseverance in learning"
To learn more in depth of the learning advice Dr. Thalheimer has to offer, please refer to the video links provided.


Thalheimer, W.  (2011, January 25).  Linking Training to Performance.  YouTube.  Retrieved April 17, 2013, from

Thalheimer, W.  (2011, March 17).  Training Maximizers: A Simple Conceptual Model.  YouTube.  Retrieved April 17, 2013, from


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